Tuesday, August 12, 2008


i spent 2 and a half years trying to get to chicago, who would have thought i'd be so happy to leave? well i'm not so much happy to leave as happy to go home to atlanta.

i think my new boss took the hint and assigned me to a project that includes a week of travel to atlanta. i'm extending the trip by the two weekends around that week. ethan has been growing up without asking me, all having conversations and potty training etc. i neeeeeed to see him and give him a huge hug and a leetle kees (think 'nacho libre'... haven't seen it? see it!)

2 midwest colleagues are coming with me and i've got to entertain them. here's what i have planned:
  • sunday night - a huge southern meal at my sisters, complete with the bean bag game (though that's more popular up here than in the south), mosquitos, runnin' around barefoot, lite beer. you know, typical stuff.
  • monday night - a tour of atlanta, maybe a visit to the varsity and georgia tech

Originally uploaded by khakiaraki

  • tuesday night - a battle re-enactment at kennesaw moutain complete with a band playing 'dixie' .. alright that's not really going on. maybe a nice dinner somewhere downtown.
  • wednesday night - a visit to la fonda latina - home of the freakin' best mojitos in all of the land. and they come in pitchers. =D
  • thursday night - a night on the town, maybe a visit to figo pasta and paolo's
the colleagues leave on friday and i have the weekend to play! i'm thinking pool party, a brunch complete with grits (yum! they don't have them up here!), maybe a hike up kennesaw mountain. in general relaxing and getting as much ethan-time as i can.

stay tuned for pictures!

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