Thursday, August 12, 2010

the middle

so apparently, being a middle child DOES have 1 perk.

august 12: national middle child's day

i'm a middle child, and while i don't like to admit it, i do resonate with a lot of what the article said. like we're quiet and introverted. i can remember being a kid and literally not speaking for days. i would just enter a room and be unnoticed. do my homework, practice piano, shy away from the camera while my older and younger sisters with their loud mouths jumped in front of the camera clamoring for attention!

i also distinctly remember the day i wanted to change. it was when i graduated college and got a job. they sent me up to train in chicago with 20+ other recent grads from all around the country. i remember thinking 'these people don't know me from anyone. they don't know if i'm outgoing or talkative or not.' so i just decided to be different and talk more and get to know everyone and always be up for anything. and that fed back into my life in atlanta.

i still can't compete with my older & younger sister though. they are still reeeeally loud (if you're reading this, you know it's true!!). but i can hold my own.

my little niece is the 2nd kid and will most likely be a middle child (i'm hoping because my sister & her husband make really dang cute kids). we can have that in common. i don't think she will be shy though if her big brother has anything to do with it! and she certainly won't have a problem with the camera since rere (that's my nickname) will be documenting her life forever more!

just some random thoughts for this random thursday.

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