so after owning my own place for almost 5 years (including the almost 2 years i was in chicago), i sold it. 2 weeks later, i got a job offer back in atlanta. so i moved in with dear ol' mom til i figure out what to do.
she lives far away. from everything.
i either have to wake up and leave for work before the sunrises or 6:30am, whichever comes first because you have traffic and you're driving east. or i have to live out of a suitcase at sis or dad's houses which are closer to work.
i've done this for 2 months now and the question arises: how much longer can i do this? for my sanity? social life? gas expenses?
so i've asked my sister, the real estate agent, to start looking at properties for me. condos, again? i don't know. that was not a short term investment. townhomes? bungalow? inside the perimeter? OTP? should i get into this again??
we are going to tour some places this weekend, so i'll keep the blog posted. wish me luck and low prices!